
Dan pada akhirnya tiba saatnya di hari terakhir dari perjalanan di Multiply. Setiap orang saling mengucapkan salam perpisahan, baik dan buruk semua orang pada akhirnya berjalan lewat jalannya masing2. 

Well its done for us to have a day there, but we know that we have memoir which will burried soon from this world but still have a pieces in our head.

Farewell MPers, welcome to a new world, a strange world where we can strugling more and seeking for a better place. Some of us may be separated for a long way, some others will still at your side. Take your place and build your new homeland as Multinesian.

4 pemikiran pada “Farewell”

  1. Yoooooy, salah satu kawan terlama dan terOOT di MP.
    Kangen, aku selalu kangen berOOT geje disana…..
    Disini mah chemistrynya gak dapet *pergi ke apotik


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